Loch Lomond Distiller's Choice is a highly regarded whisky, known for its rich and complex flavor profile. The whisky is carefully selected and expertly crafted by the distillery's master distiller, ensuring a consistent and high-quality flavor. The whisky has a long and satisfying finish, with a lingering hint of oak, vanilla, and a touch of citrus. Overall, Loch Lomond Distiller's Choice is a great choice for those who prefer a smooth and balanced whisky with a complex flavor profile.
Loch Lomond Distiller’s Choice Single Grain Scotch Whisky Coffey Still
Tasting Notes:
Nose: Rich and complex, with hints of oak, vanilla, and a touch of citrus
Taste: Smooth and balanced, with flavors of oak, vanilla, caramel, and a hint of spices
Finish: Long and satisfying, with a lingering hint of oak, vanilla, and a touch of citrus
46% ABV